Establishing and growing your business as a practitioner isn't one size fits all approach. You need more than a handful of clients, a Facebook page and a sponsored rider...

Unfortunately, more certificates, more training and more modalities do not automatically equal more clients. 

Usually for equine and canine practitioners get one briefly covered module on business – but there’s no way that can prepare any of us for the realities of running a practice. 

Now that you’re in practice, you’re expected to know it all: You’re head of marketing and sales, drowning in admin, running accounts and billing, and treating horses or dogs all day long.

Hear me when I say, it's not your fault.

You simply don't get taught this when you train. 

Most practitioners are told to just keep doing continuing ed classes and that’s all you need. 

Back in 2017 I was frustrated, working a job I hated. I felt stifled because  I wanted to help more than one horse at a time as a trainer. 

So that’s when I created my horse care courses. 

In combination with these courses I was teaching workshops. So I met hundreds of therapists and practitioners… 

And they all kept telling me the same thing: 

They talked about how much trouble they had filling their diary. They were clueless about how to market themselves and get more clients. 

They spent all their money and time on CPD. But it still looked like their websites and social media were just thrown together because they didn’t get into this game to be a marketing expert. 

What I also saw underlying all of this, was they also lacked the confidence to market themselves well. 

Maybe you can relate? If so…

It's time to grow your business without all the stress even if it feels impossible right now… 

I created The Expert Academy to support practitioners just like you because business is a skill you can master. Just like training a horse or a dog – it’s just way easier when you have someone show you the way.

I've helped therapists from all around the world, and I'd love to support you too.

I’ll show you exactly how in a moment, but first…

I want to let you in on a little secret no-one else is talking about: To grow your business you have work on yourself

This may not be the “secret” to business success you’re looking for. 

But the truth is, if what you’ve been doing hasn’t been working, then it’s time to try something different. 

Business strategies and marketing only get you so far – and what we do inside Expert Academy is combine this with the inner work to create exponential success. 

I’ve combined my business experience with crucial mindset shifts to quite literally transform the way practitioners do business. 

The result? A spike in predictable income, happier clients, and a lot more animals getting the services they deserve.

Introducing ...

The Expert Academy

The comprehensive 8 week program for equine and canine practitioners to discover how to master yourself and your business. 

You'll uncover client attraction strategies that work, exactly how to collaborate with vets to get more clients, and even how to build extra income streams within your business so you’re not always trading time for money. 

Strategy alone doesn't work. 

You have to believe in yourself and your business - then marketing and promoting becomes easy.  

I’ve developed a proven 5-step process for building a business as an equine or canine practitioner.   

Inside The Expert Academy I’ll show you exactly how to:

1. Build a mindset for success so you feel totally unstoppable 

2.  Change your relationship with money so you can stop 'random discounting' and finally put your prices up

3. Attract clients with ease using on and offline strategies

4. Work with vets and other professionals 

5. Build revenue streams in your business to end 'feast or famine' months

The Expert Academy is delivered over 8 weeks with live coaching calls, an incredible community, plus tonnes of support and accountability.

Start your journey to business success today:

Here’s how it works …

The Expert Academy provides you everything you need to transform your mindset and gives you the business strategy needed to take action right away. 

With over 100 happy graduates getting fantastic results, it's the programme for equine and canine practitioners that everyone is talking about: 

"I felt lost and not knowing where I can go with my business. Now I feel supported, focused and I have a much better mindset."

- Lisa Bartley - Veterinary Physiotherapist (UK)

"After working with Nicola I have gone from inconsistent $1k months to solid $3k months. "

- Mel Hitchcock, Dressage Rider and Massage Therapist (FL)

"I have gone from 4 clients to reguarly hitting my income goals every month. I highly recommend working with her, the investment is 120% worth it."

- Fiona Elger, Equine Sports Massage Therapist (UK)

Your Training Includes:

Motivating and inspiring videos for each module walking you through business and mindset strategies to implement

✨ Audio recordings of all the videos so that you can listen and learn on the road 

✨ Lifetime access to the entire course to go at your pace and revisit and redo modules as you need to

The Coaching

Clear action steps and exercises to work through on each step of the training

✨ Done for you copy, short cuts and tried and tested methods that work

✨ 10 live coaching calls plus training tools to use in between calls

✨ Support from our community managers to cheer you on and hold you accountable


BONUS 1 – Live Launching Made Easy

You’ll receive swipe copy and my proven email sequence which allows you to launch a new income stream with ease (Valued at £397)

BONUS 2 - Creating a freebie  
A lead magnet or freebie is essential for business. Create an easy PDF with this template that will have potential clients excited to go to the next level with you. 

Plus, you’ll receive my tried-and-tested email welcome sequence, which you can simply drag and drop into your email service provider. 

And, I’ll even show you over 30 ways to promote your freebie, which will help you gain new clients and sell more. (Valued at £197)

BONUS 3 – Becoming an Even Better Practitioner 

Two masterclasses from Sue Dyson and Kate Granshaw will help you up your game as a practitioner. (Valued at £147).


BONUS 4- Continuing Education

As practitioners, we’re always looking for continuing education courses to stay up to date. As a member of Expert Academy, you get immediate access to:

  • Horse First Aid Course Part 1 (Valued at £297)

Total value of bonuses =  £1038

Start your journey to business success now today

Invest in full & receive a 45min 1-2-1 call (valued at £250)- £999
Join with 3 super simple  instalments - £333  for 3 months

“My mindset and belief in myself have completely changed. I never thought I could earn that amount in a week .”

Steph Daureeawoo - Veterinary Physiotherapist (UK)

“2022 was my best year ever in business, thanks to the help and support of the Expert Academy. I’ve been in business for 10 years.”

Susan Yuen - Veterinary Physiotherapist (Australia)

“The Expert academy has been very inspirational, helped me through a lot of money blocks and steered me in the right direction with my new business. I would recommend your academy and training to anyone starting out and scared of what is needed in business. Thank you so much, I have taken so much from the Expert Academy.”

Louisa Blower - Equine Massage Therapist (UK)

“The coaching brings business boss to an entirely new level! Nicola has helped me with mindset shifts I never thought possible. She is motivated and committed to her clients to help them get the best from themselves which has a major ripple effect into their business, relationships and life in general. Cannot recommend this programme enough. Invest in yourself, you will reap huge rewards.”

Ailin Walsh - Equine BodyWorker (Ireland)

“I have tripled my monthly income since joining The Expert Academy.”

Mel Hitchcock- Dressage Rider and Massage Therapist (USA)

” Since working with Nicola I have gone full time in my business, which meant I was finally able to get a puppy. I have also taken more time off than ever before”

Vicky Youens - Veterinary Physiotherapist (UK)

“Before I had support, I felt lost and not knowing where I can go with my business. Now I feel supported, focus and better mindset and I’m making WAY more money in my business..”

Lisa Bartley - Veterinary Physiotherapist (UK)

“Creating additional income streams is my biggest takeaway from The Expert Academy..”

Rachel Graham - Veterinary Physiotherapist (UK)

“I highly recommend working with Nicola, and signing up for The Expert Academy. No matter where you are on your journey as an equine practitioner it will change your life!.”

Kaelyn Dowdy Equine Body Worker and Healer (USA)

“Before The Expert Academy I had very little confidence and a bad relationship with money and always randomly discounted people and didn’t appreciate my own worth. This year I’ve earned enough to buy my own horse .”

Hannah Goldney Veterinary Physiotherapist (UK)

“I absolutely loved the money mind set challenge, it really helped me refocus where I wanted to be in terms of my business and more essentially to make better use of my time and declutter not just mentally but physically ! I am now more focused, have more clients, and an watching my business grow. Since joining the Expert Academy I have had a steady 8-10 new clients per months which makes life easier and I love my work! I would highly recommend The Expert Academy and seeing how it can help grow your business.”

Amanda Stears, Edinburgh Veterinary Physiotherapy

“I know I'm not the easiest student, but I have got a lot from the EA - I get enthused, then overwhelmed and have to take a step back. I know I've still got loads of work to do on myself, but feel I've really made progress on limiting beliefs - I identify new ones all the time!”

Wendy Felton, Equine Physiotherapist

Tell me more about the 8 weeks of coaching

Your journey to becoming a fully booked therapist starts with your 8 weeks of group coaching. You will join weekly live training with Nicola and her team and will be supported to implement the training each week.

Don't worry if you can't make a session live - these are all recorded and you have ongoing access to all the materials so you can come back to these strategies again and again.

I've run the Expert Academy since 2020 and it's been amazing to see how many therapists are still using these exact strategies years later.

Week 1 - Mindset for success

Discover how to build a mindset for business success. This week is all about filling you with more confidence, showing you how to feel overwhelming positive and be excited to market and grow your business.

Week 2 - Find your business focus

In week 2 we focus on finding and honing your unique niche. Uncover your ideal client, clarify your purpose, and tailor strategies to stand out in a busy market.

Week 3 - Messaging & offers

We build on week 2 to ensure that you are focusing on selling the results of your services, and that you have offers tailored to your ideal clients. We will also look at some marketing quick wins so that you can attract your next clients fast.

Week 4 - Social Media

Discover how to create content faster than ever for social media, and more importantly use Facebook and Instagram to turn followers into clients and bookings. Social media is lots of fun- let me show you how.

Week 5 - Money Mindset

In week 5 we take a good hard look at your relationship with money, and focusing on removing beliefs and make it hard to put your prices up, or mean that you feel uncomfortable talking about money. It is a game changer!

Week 6- Strategic Partnerships

Learn how to attract new clients by building strategic partnerships with others in your industry.

Discover my proven system to work with vets that results in a steady stream of referrals.

Week 7 - New income streams

At this point in the program you will have learnt a lot, and week 7 is all about future proofing your business. Together we will craft a new income stream that you can generate more revenue without working tons more hours.

Week 8 - More ways to stand out

In our final week we consider more ways to marketing your business and how to make you to obvious choice to your ideal clients.

As with every week I'm on hand to answer your questions and support you.

Your next steps

After an incredible 8 weeks together I suggest that you move into my monthly membership called The Therapists Success Collective. That way you'll still have support and accountability and as an Expert Academy graduate you get 12 months for an amazing price.

Over 120 happy therapists have graduated from The Expert Academy ... see what they have to say

Wait a sec who is Nicola Kinnard-Comedie?

Nicola Kinnard-Comedie is a leading business and mindset coach for equine and canine practitioners who are serious about getting results in their business.

She helps therapists to grow their businesses to at least £3-5k per month and beyond, helping more horses and dogs in the process. 

Her courses, coaching and challenges have helped thousands of practitioners across the world.  

She is a horse rider, a tea drinker and a chilled out mother of two who lives in Wiltshire, England

Questions you might have ...

Q: What happens on the group calls? 

We have 10 live sessions together, where I’ll show you my signature system for positioning your business, attracting more clients and adding new income streams.  You’ll leave the call with clear action steps to implement right away.

Q: How much time do I need to join the program?

I suggest you allow 90 minutes a week to take part in the training and implement the actions for that week. You also need to create 30 minutes within your day to work on yourself. (This can be broken into smaller chunks of time if necessary.)

Q: What happens at the end of the 8 weeks?

After your 8 weeks in The Expert Academy you’ll have the opportunity to move into one of my other programs, or graduate. 

Upon graduation, you’ll still have access to all the programme resources, so you can continue to reuse the materials again and again. However, your time in our private community will come to an end. You are most welcome back at any time in the future. 

Q: Do I get 1-to-1 help and support?

The Expert Academy focuses on group training only – you will discover so much from each other and the questions that others ask. If you are looking for 1-to-1 coaching then you can upgrade your Expert Academy experience by investing in full or speak with me about other personalised coaching options.

Q: What results can I expect?

This live coaching programme gives you proven step-by-step methods to find more clients and grow your business. This training has helped many practitioners to grow their businesses, become fully booked and take control of their income. 

Like with anything else, you’ll get the results based on applying the information and putting in the work. You need to show up to the calls, and take action on the training.

Q: I’m new in business. Is The Expert Academy right for me? 

Yes 100%. One of the things I hear over and over is “I wish I’d done this sooner”. Qualifying as a therapist doesn’t mean you suddenly know how to run a business. Get my support and get your business off to a flying start. 

Imagine how amazing you’ll feel when you…

  • Have more clients and more income coming in
  • Work only with your dream clients because you don’t have to say yes to everyone
  • Open your bank account without a pit in your stomach (finally) 
  • Easily have time for admin and fun (like seeing friends and family) 
  • Can ride or spend time with your own dog and not feel guilty 

Won’t this make a remarkable difference in your life and business?

Our destiny is shaped by moments of decision…

Right now is one of those moments. What will you decide?

Will you continue to struggle running on the hamster wheel, hustling and grinding, and still feeling confused and overwhelmed? 

Or will you decide to change what your future looks like when you discover the business and mindset strategies for success? 

You get to make that decision right now. 

One year from now, your life can be totally different. 

But in order to get different results, you have to do something different. 

Maybe Expert Academy is that new thing you need to do. 

I can’t wait to get to know you and support you inside Expert Academy!

