There is a way, let me show you how.

I am asked over and over...

"Nicola, I need more clients, and how can I create more income in my business?"

On this FREE 3 day challenge I will guide you on....

  • Self belief - wave goodbye to imposter syndrome and feel confidence and certainty
  • Client Attraction - discover what is working right now (HINT it's not hanging around in your local FB group wishing and hoping that someone posts wanting your service)
  • Sales without sleaze - making more sales and turning one off bookings into repeat customers

If you are an action taking Equine OR Canine therapist and you'd like results in the next 30 days then sign up and join my FREE challenge below

Imagine having more clients and more income.

Imagine the difference it would make to your life and business ...

"I felt lost and not knowing where I can go with my business. Now I feel supported, focused and I have a much better mindset."

- Lisa Bartley - Veterinary Physiotherapist (UK)

"After working with Nicola I have gone from inconsistent $1k months to solid $3k months. "

- Mel Hitchcock, Dressage Rider and Massage Therapist (FL)

"I have gone from 4 clients to regualrly hitting my income goals every month. I highly recommend working with her, the investment is 120% worth it."

- Fiona Elger, Equine Sports Massage Therapist (UK)

In this challenge you will get ...

Access to our private FB group

Join me and other equine and canine practitioners from across the world as we implement the steps from the challenge together

Live training via


I will be teaching you live on Zoom each day on mindset, client attraction and sales.

Connection and support

Get your questions answered and some fresh input in your business

Who is Nicola Kinnard-Comedie?

Nicola Kinnard-Comedie is a leading business and mindset coach for equine and canine practitioners who are serious about getting results

She helps therapists to grow their businesses, helping more horses and dogs in the process.

Her courses, coaching and challenges have helped thousands of practitioners across the world.

She is a horse rider, a tea drinker and a chilled out mother of two and lives in Wiltshire, England

If you are an action taking Equine OR Canine therapist and you'd like more clients and more CASH in your business then sign up and join my FREE challenge below