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55 Ways To Attract Your Dream Clients As An Equine Practitioner

How Would More Clients and More
Affect Your Life & Business?

"After working with Nicola I have had my best year ever in business (after 10 years). I've maxed out my diary and now have consistent income."

Susan Yuen, Veterinary Physiotherapist (Australia)

"After working with Nicola I have gone from inconsistent $1k months to solid $3k months."

Mel Hitchcock, Dressage Rider and Massage Therapist (USA)

"With Nicola's help I have 10 clients a week and have gone full time in my business."

Vicki Youen, Veterinary Physiotherapist (UK)

In this free guide you will discover:

  • 55 New Ways to Attract Your Perfect Clients ...

I promise that there will be a new ways you never though of before, and I bet you've never tried number 45 before, which is one of the best ways to get clients

One page 7 I unpack how to work with vets - a powerful way to gain clients as a therapist.

  • The 3 Mistakes That Prevent Most Therapists From Filling Their Diary

Yes, more clients is easy to achieve, but although most never get there.

You want a system & steps in place to ensure that clients come to you.

There are 3 sneaky problems that are (currently) stopping most therapists from achieving it.

Let's get them out of the way. 

  • The 2 Best Ways To Attract Clients Online

Most therapists are simply posting content that no-one sees and hoping that clients come their way.

I promise there is a better way!

I can show you how to get (and stay) ahead of the crowd

  • How To Leverage Working With Vets

    Veterinary recommendation is powerful for your business, but not all practitioners manage to get this to happen.

    Get my suggestions on how to be one of the 'chosen ones' that vets want to work with ...😉

  • Get Some Quick Wins For Your Business Today

    You've heard that the "fortune is in the follow up" ... although most therapists
    NEVER do this. You also have money sitting in your business right now.

    So instead let's fix this and build a process to do this into your day (5 minutes tops!).

55 Proven Ways To Attract Your Ideal Dream Clients Today - Which Will Allow You The Stability & Consistency You Want.

Wait a sec! Why should I trust you?

In the last 5 years, I have:

  • Served over one hundred practitioners my coaching programs
  • Delivered training to over 2,000 equine therapists across the world teaching them how to build a mindset for success and how to grow their businesses
  • Watched my clients double and triple their income
  • Spoken at Horse of the Year Show, and at industry-leading events such as the ACPAT Seminar and Vet Rehabbers Summit.

"I'd love to support you and your business growth too. "

—Nicola Kinnard-Comedie - Business and Mindset Coach for Equine Practitioners